Topps, a renowned name in the world of sports memorabilia, has joined forces with the talented artist and former MLB player, Micah Johnson, to introduce an extraordinary series of baseball cards paying tribute to the esteemed Negro Leagues. This groundbreaking collaboration has resulted in the inception of the inaugural Topps Negro Leagues Baseball Card Set, a project that Johnson holds close to his heart as one of his proudest accomplishments. The series made its grand debut with the reveal of a captivating Satchel Paige card in Kansas City, marking the beginning of the “Road to Rickwood” initiative.
As the much-anticipated Rickwood Classic approaches, a new card will be unveiled each week, ultimately leading up to a special MLB game at Rickwood Field on June 20, 2024. Both the game and the card series serve as a homage to the oldest professional ballpark in the United States, once home to the esteemed Birmingham Black Barons. To magnify the importance of this historic occasion, colossal 24-foot tall replicas of every card in the series will be showcased at various MLB ballparks across the nation.
Micah Johnson, the creative genius behind the artistic renditions in the Topps series, has seamlessly transitioned from a professional baseball career to a distinguished artist with a mission to motivate and uplift through his work. Johnson’s meticulous hand-drawn portraits of legendary figures from the Negro Leagues showcase a harmonious blend of artistic excellence and historical reverence, breathing new life into these iconic individuals.
In addition to the standard base cards, collectors are in for a treat with the chance to acquire limited edition Numbered Parallel Cards in each print run. These exclusive editions include the Silver Border (/99), Blue Border (/49), Purple Border (/25), Red Border (/10), Orange Border (/5), and the ultra-rare Gold Border (/1). These parallel cards not only enhance the overall desirability for collectors but also introduce an element of rarity, elevating the thrill of acquiring these valuable collectibles.
The Topps Negro Leagues Baseball Card Series not only serves as a celebration of the rich heritage and enduring legacy of the Negro Leagues but also provides fans and collectors with a unique opportunity to own a piece of history encapsulated in art. With the promise of new releases every Thursday leading up to June 20, 2024, enthusiasts and aficionados alike are eagerly awaiting each unveiling in this monumental and historic card series.